It’s not too late to begin or complete your home improvement projects for the summer. It’s definitely never too late to complete them frugally. I’ve put together a guide on how to save money on summer home improvement projects that won’t break the bank. Hopefully you will find these ideas beneficial in saving both time and money.
There are plenty of home improvement projects that are affordable and bring you big rewards in the end.
- Install a programmable thermostat: A thermostat that can be programmed could save you hundreds of dollars a year on heating and cooling costs according to
- Install low-flow shower heads and toilets: These are inexpensive additions and in some areas you will even get a discount on your water bill when you show that you have installed a new low-flow toilet. My water company will reimburse me $125 for each new low-flow toilet.
- Install new insulation in your attic: According to, I can achieve an greater energy efficiency by properly insulating my home from the roof to the foundation. Besides the insulation, consider limiting/controlling moisture and air leakage in each area of the home. also provides equations on their website on how to calculate the paypack period on insulation and other energy saving improvements that you can do around your home.
- Add a storm door: Storm doors aren’t too terribly expensive. says that adding a storm door can be a solid investment if you own an existing door that is old but still in good condition. The report also explains that high-quality storm doors use low-emissivity (low-e) glass or glazing. I would certainly pick a storm door that has a screen or partial screen, so you can enjoy cool nights and fall days.
We hope that you liked this energy saving post today and would love to hear your comments or ideas as well on the Frugal Fabulous Finds Facebook page!
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