When you think of classic Christmas movies, you probably think of ‘It’s a Wonderful Life’, ‘Miracle on 34th Street’, ‘White Christmas’, and more. Another beloved Christmas movie is ‘A Christmas Story‘ based on the book by Jean Shepherd. When you think of Christmas Story, you probably cannot help but think of Ralphie, his pink nightmare bunny pajamas, his brother Randy, the Red Rider BB gun (“you’ll shoot your eye out!”) and the infamous Christmas Story leg lamp. This Christmas movie is both endearing and humorous, as is the book it was based on.
If you are a huge fan of ‘A Christmas Story‘, you will love this current Facebook freebies deal! If you sign up for the Penguin Random House publishing newsletter, you can download the FREE audiobooks version of ‘A Christmas Story’! To sign up for the newsletter, all you have to do is enter your email address and submit your information. It is that simple! Then you can download the audio book. This audio book contains music and sound effects that go along with the story. It is a really great offer, especially considering the audio book download typically costs $8! Audiobooks for free can be hard to come by, so be sure to take advantage of this offer while you can.
This freebie could not be available at a better time because you can listen to it in the car or in an airplane as you travel for the holidays. The audio version of the story can be downloaded to your mobile phone via iTunes or directly to your computer. Either way, you are sure to enjoy the audio book version of this holiday classic. The whole family will enjoy it too! With the music factored in, the audio book is 3 total hours in length. See? It is the perfect audio book for lengthy holiday travel! Happy Holidays!
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