If you’ve ever been on an airplane, notice how you are told that if there is a problem, you are to put your own oxygen mask on before you put one on your child. That is such a great example of the principles of taking care of yourself before you can take care of others. You can’t be a “wounded healer”. As a mom, to me, this means that I HAVE to take care of myself before I can fully take care of my family. I function so much better when I have taken the time to meet my own personal needs first. As a mom, guilt can keep us from doing this, but if we can grasp that principle and realize that, then we will have so much more peace in our life so that we can function to do the million and one things we need to do for our families.
Joyce Meyers new book “Eat The Cookie, Buy The Shoes” is probably the only book of hers that I don’t have yet! This video is just a preview of what she talks about in that book. I’m loving it already and can’t wait to get the book! I hope that you enjoy it and it causes you to think and make some changes as it has for me!
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