A live Christmas tree is one of the biggest expenses when decorating for the holidays but did you know there are ways to reuse your tree? You can buy a real tree with the root ball and plant in your yard after the holiday (my mother did this my first Christmas and the tree is still alive!) but it can get a little pricey. So, I began a little research on how to repurpose your tree. Here are 5 ways to reuse your tree:
- Use your tree as a fire starter in your chimney or in a bonfire and invite some friends.
- Recycle it! Some municipalities will have a day to bring your tree to the dump or similar facility and they will put them in the chipper.
- Use your old tree as a border in a garden.
- If you have a pond nearby, Christmas tree branches are perfect habitats for fish.
- If you live near the beach and the beach is being restored, they might need your tree. When dunes are rebuilt many times old trees are used to create new dunes and are fully covered when the dunes are restored.
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